WSDOT Investment Strategies
Project Overview
Bringing parties together in Washington: Adrienne led the consultant team for Transportation Investment Strategy, a collaborative process between WSDOT and the state’s MPOs and RTPOs to identify shared statewide and regional transportation priorities. Early on, Adrienne’s work played a pivotal role in successfully gaining participation of 16 of the state’s 18 MPOs and RTPOs. During the multi-phased process, Adrienne has convened dozens of one-on-one interviews and smaller subgroup meetings around specific topics to keep the process moving forward.
Community Engagement and Events
Bringing parties together in Washington: Adrienne led the consultant team for Transportation Investment Strategy, a collaborative process between WSDOT and the state’s MPOs and RTPOs to identify shared statewide and regional transportation priorities. Early on, Adrienne’s work played a pivotal role in successfully gaining participation of 16 of the state’s 18 MPOs and RTPOs. During the multi-phased process, Adrienne has convened dozens of one-on-one interviews and smaller subgroup meetings around specific topics to keep the process moving forward.
Practice areas
Branding, Community engagement, Strategic Communications