Willamette Falls Riverwalk
Project Overview
JLA led public engagement for this iconic project based in Oregon City. Over two years of extensive outreach, JLA coordinated with the agency partners, design team and key stakeholder groups to create fun, informative engagement program.
A key challenge was designing a program that would engage the local Oregon City community while also accommodating and listening to the high level of regional interest. Large public events solicited feedback during project milestones. Thousands of people attended the events, which were family-inclusive, had interpreters available, and included interactive stations.
JLA’s online creative services team made online versions of the event interesting and accessible for all. Jessica worked with the client to develop an interactive forum where users could propose ideas for the projects, and up-vote or down-vote (similar to reddit). At each event, exit surveys collected suggestions about the event to help shape and improve future engagement activities.
Practice areas
Branding, Community engagement, Strategic Communications